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Increase awareness and community support
Support Houston's homeless initiatives
Dismantling the Harmful and False Narratives of Homelessness
New attitudes, new concepts better results


It began in August 2000. Ms. Benson dedicated her personal time to helping the youth in her neighborhood. She went into schools, attended and spoke at community functions, and talked one-on-­one with many area youth as well as adults. “Helping people, has been like food to my soul,” says Angela Allen­-Benson, founding member and Executive Director of Your Opportunities Unlimited Inc.). “Through communicating with individuals from diverse communities, you hear their ideas, and share their dreams.” With the opening of Nancy’s House Inc. LLC., the first Y.O.U.R Inc., facility, many more dreams have become a reality for so many.

Y.O.U.R. Inc., is a non-profit Organization. As we continue to reach out to young people, promoting educational, emotional and spiritual development through mentoring, counseling and awarding scholarship funds. However, the 24-hour full-service facility enables Y.O.U.R. Inc’s., “Nancy’s House” Independent Living Centers Three campuses, provide for a nurturing and caring environment to assist individuals struggling with mental health challenges, sobriety, substance abuse, domestic violence as well as learning independent living skills that will enable them to maintain the skills needed to reintegrate themselves into society.

OUR RESIDENTS receive professional therapeutic and supportive services
while enabling them to reach their full potential.

We Offer volunteer and employment opportunities.

At Nancy's House; it's all L O V E!